Thanks Shauna, I appreciate the feedback. You’re absolutely right, the amount of inaccurate information out there is ridiculous for the food and diet and health industries. And yes, all of your information makes me a better writer and educator; I’m grateful for that.
You truly helped this article flourish. I apologize for the snark. My intention for the article was to give a broad overview of the macros in our daily consumption. Can people excel at eating only two of the three? For sure! I’ve just never attempted to go that low in any one macro. The goal is to find what works for your body, figure out the simplest and most sustainable way to do it, and then — most importantly — take action.
Once it’s a habit, you can adjust when needed.
Some people do really well on ketogenic diets.
Others do amazing on low fat diets.
The biggest problem in today’s society is that we’re lazy. We have other people do our research for us, follow the fad, get even worse on a rebound, and feel bad and have body image issues. When it becomes physical and mental, that’s when it starts to really affect you.
Like I said, thank you for the responses, I truly do like a challenge. Keep me honest on my future posts if you could, thanks!