It always depends on your niche.
For fiction, Medium is a tremendous tool to get your voice heard by people who otherwise wouldn’t get the chance. And, like How To Internet Anything suggested, Reddit threads will provide you with people specifically looking for your kind of content, which drives more of an organic following.
But if you were willing to challenge yourself to flash fiction, or use this platform as a trampoline for your Medium content, I would try Instagram. You can’t write your entire prose/essay/fiction in the captions, but if you pair your stories with a picture anyways, put that picture on the ‘Gram, add in a snippet from your prose that gets the reader hooked, then link your newest story on Medium.
Of course, this suggestion is for if you want more readership. For another platform to write your whole story online, you can always email editors at publications off Medium. Just search for publications catered to your niche; odds are, they will gladly publish your work on their platform.
Hope this helps Jon!