Health, wealth, and happiness John — that’s my focus. They go hand in hand. And yes, I agree it isn’t about hitting a certain weight. To me it’s about feeling fantastic and looking absolutely great. Mirror test every once in a while to see if my methods are working on the outsidr, and a constant mind/body connection to make sure I’m tip-top inside.
I completely know what you mean by seeming shredded and built but messed up on the inside. Bodybuilders and people with crazy physiques plop dead in the gym at the ripe age of 30 (even 23).
It’s more than possible to have an aesthetic physique and eat nutritious foods that serve as great fuel for your body. It’s difficult, but it’s doable. You just have to be dedicated.
Again, great insight John, looking forward to reading your work. I’ll make sure to post my methods, process, and results of this experiment. Thanks for the plant-based diet approach and the perspective!