84 Days Away: It’s Time to Walk Away

I’m changing the path slightly…

Jake Lyda
4 min readJun 24, 2017
We’re ready to explore to the beat of our own damn drum!

This is a daily documentation of my adventure from Hillsboro, Oregon to Cape Town, South Africa on September 16th, 2017.

Day 17 is a day to be out in nature

I am writing this post at 1-o-clock in the morning because I’m going on a hike with Jess tomorrow (today) and I don’t want to post this late or — even worse — miss a post when I’ve been on such a roll.

We are hiking one of Oregon’s many forested trails, giving us an excuse to down a whole large pizza afterwards. My mind, body, and spirit need this walk out in nature, away from the Internet and real life for just a moment. While the hustle is amazing and I wouldn’t trade giving people my words, being in front of a computer screen day in and day out can become tiring.

And so, we walk.

This is another reason why Jess and I are leaving for Cape Town, South Africa; summer breeds adventures, including numerous hikes. And while Oregon is the state most conducive for this type of exploration, it is high time we go to a more foreign locale, to pursue our dreams.

I can’t explain the sensation of going all-in on your passion and purpose.

What Jess and I are doing is nothing short of incredible (not to toot my own horn or anything). We had a conversation this afternoon by our apartment’s pool which delved into our future business plans and all of the good we want to bring into the world. It feels so right, and I hope other people take the time to know what they truly want and live every day with intention.

Live life how you want. Don’t say it, do it.

I’m tired of slaving and spending my time on something I’m no longer interested in. That’s why, come Monday, I AM QUITTING MY JOB.

Looking forward to the opportunities ahead!

There are pros and cons to this scenario, but in the end I have to think long-term; my current position is a path that leads to a complacent career that doesn’t get me excited. While being a financial advisor would be a rather lucrative gig — given my situation — it would be 20…30…40 years wasted because it isn’t what gets me out of bed thrilled for the upcoming day.

(Literally: I used to get out of bed and be at work by 8:45 AM, 15 minutes early. Now, I’m lucky to make it to the office in time.)

This choice is scary because it makes it real; once I leave my post as financial advisor’s assistant, there’s no going back. It’s comfortable in the office and I get to write whenever I want. My boss is the best and sees a bright future for me in the financial world. But my future doesn’t live in the walls of a giant insurance firm or a Mom and Pop advisor business.


“In order to say ‘yes’ to your priorities, you have to be willing to say ‘no’ to something else.” -Unknown

Be ready for plenty of hikes in future posts!

Thanks for reading! If you found value in this, please recommend, comment, and share — it let’s me know that my content is worth sharing.

If you want to witness my adventure in travel and fitness, follow me. For more on Jess’ copywriting and social media management business, Genuine Conversations Media, click here. More content daily!

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Jake Lyda
Jake Lyda

Written by Jake Lyda

I write about whatever interests me in the current moment: sports, entertainment, creative writing, lifestyle, etc. I'm tired of not being who I am.

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