This is a daily documentation of my adventure from Hillsboro, Oregon to Cape Town, South Africa on September 16th, 2017.
Day 18 is a day to recharge!
It’s 97 degrees outside. I completed a 12 mile hike yesterday with Jess. I slept for 9 hours. I downed half of a Pizza Schmizza last night. You can safely bet I’m in recovery mode today!
What a hike yesterday. 6 hours of being outside in nature was a wonderful experience. I’m excited to know that being out in the sunshine and going for long walks is in my immediate future.
Despite a slight strain in my left hamstring and the general droopiness of my face after half a day of sun beating down on it, I feel so alive. This is what Jess and I were meant to do: Traverse the outdoors, find the beauty, take a million and one photos for Instagram. All the while getting great cardio and vitamin D.
The universe is telling us something.
My decision to combine fitness and travel has felt so right. It makes me confident that I made the right choice working for my dad outside this summer instead of dying slowly in an air-conditioned office. I am elated for my workout regimen, plus my nutrition and eating protocols will now be on point so my brand can have a worthy physique.
This is the healthiest path I’ve chosen in a long time. And I just destroyed half of a pizza.
This is how life is supposed to be lived; healthy body, healthy mind, healthy relationships, purpose, adventure, amazing food…I’m in love with the lifestyle I’m creating for myself.
I’m flipping the script.
There’s a script. You are born, you go to school, you get good grades which gets you into a good college, you get a good job, marry a good person, have good kids in a good home until you work for 40 years to have a good retirement.
“Good is the Enemy of Great.” -Jim Collins
I don’t want good. I want a great life. I followed the first half of the script, which got me into a financial advisor’s office. But somewhere in between marrying a good person and getting a good job, I knew enough was enough.
Now I’m making my own living (against the script). I’m going to marry someone who doesn’t want to settle down and is great beyond comparison (definitely against the script). I’m waiting on kids, opting for a dog as a travel companion (his name will be Macaron). The world will be my home and I’ll never retire from what I love.
I can write a script that’s a hell of a lot better. So that’s what I’m going to do.
How about you?
“Life is short. Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Live truly. Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that makes you smile.” -Mark Twain
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If you want to witness my adventure in travel and fitness, follow me. For more on Jess’ copywriting and social media management business, Genuine Conversations Media, click here. More content daily!