69 Days Away: SLEEP

My body told me it was time to take a break

Jake Lyda
2 min readJul 9, 2017
Photo Credit: QuoteFancy

This is a daily documentation of my adventure from Hillsboro, Oregon to Cape Town, South Africa on September 16th, 2017.

Day 32 has me feeling refreshed!

I just slept for 10 hours. It was very much needed. My body is thanking me for such a reprieve, especially after waking up early yesterday to play some basketball.

The one thing I need to work on personally — sleep — is crucial to my health.

However, now that it’s past noon, the extra sleep does not help me with what I have to do today. I have to write this post, write my article, edit and send it in for publishing, open the gym for even more basketball, and go grocery shopping for the week.

I guess it’s time to buckle down and get to work!

I believe I’m going to cut this post short. While I definitely have witnessed the importance of daily writing and there’s no stopping this 100 Days to South Africa now, I feel like it isn’t serving the purpose I need it for today.

So I leave you here with a lesson: If you start doing something in your day that doesn’t seem as important as a priority you should be doing, STOP. The other thing will still be there later, and the important thing will be done.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

“Action expresses priorities.” -Mahatma Gandhi

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If you want to see my adventure in travel and fitness, follow me on Medium and Instagram. To see Jess’ virtual assistant and digital marketing business, Genuine Conversations Media, click here. More content soon!

Keep up with the rest from the series by clicking the #100SA button below!



Jake Lyda
Jake Lyda

Written by Jake Lyda

I write about whatever interests me in the current moment: sports, entertainment, creative writing, lifestyle, etc. I'm tired of not being who I am.

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