It’s an incredible proposition, isn’t it? To be able to go from country to country, continent to continent, earning income from your laptop while living for cheap around the world — sounds like a dream come true.
But what if you promptly decide to embrace the digital nomad lifestyle and you’re now scrambling to find your income source before September 2017? Sounds rather daunting, right?
Here are 3 mantras you can say to yourself (as I am currently) to keep your mind, body, and soul on the right track:
1. “I Have the Power and Capability to do Everything I Want.”
Your life is yours and yours alone. Stop going day to day spending 33% of it sleeping, 33% of it working at a place that doesn’t inspire you, and the rest sitting in front of the TV with a bag of Doritos by your side. I want my split to be more like this: 100% of what I want (yes, that includes sleep).
If you replace “working” with “creating” and “the TV with a bag of Doritos” for “a hike with a bunch of friends”, you’re on your way to feeling powerful.
We realized this when we decided to take the plunge and chart a course for Cape Town. My significant other and I have had the power to act on our desires and travel the world all along. The reason it took us this long was because we were listening to those chip-munching, TV-watching, work-hating people.
Learn from our mistakes. Listen to what feels right to you.
2. “I Become More and More Successful Everyday.”
This one comes from Zoey Arielle and her YouTube channel. No matter what your goal is, whether it be to travel, to have a profitable business or side hustle, to have a wonderful relationship with your significant other…you can improve it by 1% daily. This compounds over time, creating something big and spectacular that appears to come out of the blue, when in reality it emanates from your dedication, consistency, and hard work.
Be aware: The opposite holds true too. If you have a negative mindset every morning, noon, and night, that’s a 1% defeat. Compound defeat enough and suddenly something horrific happens and you cry out, “Woe is me, why do only bad things happen in my life?”
Power of positive thinking. The proof is in the progress.
3. “I Never Fail If I Never Give Up.”
This is a big one. You will have unsuccessful attempts. You will have bouts of boredom. You will have everybody you know telling you that it’s pointless, reckless, dumb — you name it. The Universe is against you; it’s testing your resolve, making absolutely sure that you truly want the most out of life.
Most people give up. But not you.
You are resilient. You are passionate. Dammit, you will continue to act on your dreams until they are no longer vivid images in your head. Never give up and beat the Universe. If your desire is strong and true, nothing can stop you.
Those are 3 mantras you can say to yourself whenever you need it. Of course, there are more out there, but you need to cater a few to your own goals. For us, we see the first mantra as a vindication of our ultimate dream: living in South Africa and beyond. The second mantra applies to my better half’s success in her freelance digital marketing training and business and it applies to my blog. As for the third, this one is a given for both of us; no matter what, we will never give up. This will result in our vision becoming a reality.
You have the power, you can be more successful everyday, and never give up. With these words, you set the tone for success. And one day, very soon, you’ll make it to where you want to be.
Now go create and explore!
Adventure Awaits…
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